Jean Beuve
Maître de Conférences en Sciences Economiques / Assistant Professor in Economics
Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne / University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne
Conseiller Scientifique / Scientific Advisor
Conseil d’Analyse Economique / French Council of Economic Analysis
Directeur adjoint de la Chaire EPPP / Deputy director of the Chair EPPP
Chaire Economie des Partenariats Public Privé / Economics of Public Private Partnerships Chair
Chaire Economie des Partenariats Public Privé / Economics of Public Private Partnerships Chair
Centre d’Economie de la Sorbonne, Bureau 226
106-112 boulevard de l’Hôpital, 75013 Paris
+33 (0) 1 44 07 83 23
+33 (0) 1 44 07 83 23
Research Interests
- Economics of Contracts and Organizations
- Applied Industrial Economics
- Public Private Partnerships
- Experimental Economics
- Political Contestability and Public Contract Rigidity: An Analysis of Procurement Contracts. J. Beuve, M. Moszoro and S. Saussier, 2018, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, forthcoming.
- Quality of Outsourced Services, Opportunism and Contract Design. J. Beuve and L. Chever, 2017, Review of Law and Economics. 13(3).
- Why Are Modern Bureaucracies Special? State Support to Private Firms in Early-Eighteenth Century France, J. Beuve, E. Brousseau and J. Sgard, 2017, Journal of Economic History, 77(4), 1144-1176.
- Mercantilism and Bureaucratic Modernization in Early Eighteenth Century France. J. Beuve, E. Brousseau and J. Sgard, 2017, The Economic History Review, 70 (2), 529–558.
- Repeated Interactions and Endogenous Contractual Incompleteness. Experimental Evidence. J. Beuve and C. Desrieux, 2016, Theory and Decision, 80, 125-158.
- Renégocier pour Durer, une Analyse Empirique des Contrats de Concessions. J. Beuve, J. De Brux and S. Saussier, 2013, Revue d’Economie Industrielle, 141 (1), 117-148. [Published Version]
- Interfirm Cooperation in Strategic Relationships: the Role of Formal Contract. J. Beuve and S. Saussier. 2012, Industrial and Corporate Change, 21 (4), 811-836. [Published Version]
- Relational Contracts as a Foundation for Contractual Incompleteness. J. Beuve and C. Desrieux, 2011, Economics Bulletin, 31 (3). [Published Version]
- L’analyse Economique des Partenariats Public-Privé. J. Beuve and S. Saussier, 2015, in Economie des Partenariats Public-Privé, Développement Théoriques et Empiriques, De Boeck Supérieur.
- Renégociation des Contrats de PPP. Risques et Opportunités. J. Beuve, A. Le Lannier and Z. Le Squeren, 2015, in Economie des Partenariats Public-Privé, Développement Théoriques et Empiriques, De Boeck Supérieur.
- An Economic Analysis of Public-Private Partnerships. J. Beuve, J. de Brux and S. Saussier, 2018, in The Economics of Public-Private Partnerships. Theoretical and Empirical Developments, Springer International Publishing.
- Renegotiating PPP contracts : Opportunities and Pitfalls. J. Beuve, A. Le Lannier and Z. Le Squeren, 2018, in The Economics of Public-Private Partnerships. Theoretical and Empirical Developments, Springer International Publishing.
Working Papers
- When Does Ideology Matter? Path-dependant political influence and public outsourcing. With Z. Le Squeren (under review)
- Reputation and the Dynamics of Contractual Incompleteness. With C. Desrieux.
- Renegotiations, Discretion and Contract Renewals. An Empirical Analysis. With S. Saussier (under review)
Conferences (speaker)
2017 :
- International School for New Institutional Economics Annual Conference, New York, June 2017.
2016 :
- International Conference « Contracts, Procurement and Public-Private Agreeements », Florence, June 2013.
2013 :
- International Conference « Contracts, Procurement and Public-Private Agreeements », Florence, June 2013.
- International School for New Institutional Economics Annual Conference, Florence, June 2013.
- European Group for Organization Society Conference, Montreal, July 2013.
2011 :
- European Association for Research in Industrial Economics Conference, Stockholm, September 2011.
- French Association of Economics (AFSE) Annual Conference, Nanterre, September 2011.
- International Conference « Contracts, Procurement and Public-Private Agreeements », Paris, May 2011.
- International School for New Institutional Economics Annual Conference, Palo Alto, June 2011.
- American Law and Economics Association Conference, New York, May 2011.
2010 :
- International Conference « Contracts, Procurement and Public-Private Agreeements », Paris, June 2010.
- European School for New Institutional Economics, Cargese, June 2010.
- International Industrial Organization Annual Conference, Vancouver, May 2010.
2009 :
- European Associaton of Law and Economics Annual Conference, Rome, September 2009.
- French Association of Economics (AFSE) Annual Conference, Nanterre, September 2009.
- International School for New Institutional Economics Annual Conference, San Francisco, June 2009.
- Ecore Conference on Market Evolution and Public Decision, Brussels, june 2009.
- European School for New Institutional Economics, Cargese, May 2009.
- International Industrial Organization Annual Conference, Boston, april 2009.
2008 :
- French Association of Economics (AFSE) Annual Conference, Paris, september 2008.
- International School for New Institutional Economics Annual Conference, Toronto, june 2008.
- European School for New Institutional Economics, Cargese, May 2008.
Enseignement / Teaching
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