The research group is engaged in a research program on public contracts with social impact. Following the English Social Impact Bonds (SIB) which, for more than 10 years, have been developed in many countries on small-scale experimental projects, the question arises of their extension to larger-scale projects with large investments. See the Chair’s policy paper on this subject (in French).
The objective is, through contracts with obligations of social results, to promote innovations and to ensure an efficient use of public funds. Social impact investments, to be effective, require precise measurement of expected and realized impacts. These measures are beginning to emerge and make possible a capitalism 2.0, aligning the objectives of governments and companies, in order to meet the SDGs by 2030.
The Chair is involved in this project with partners such as CDC-Habitat, through the Hemisphere case study, or the specialist team on SIBs at the Blavatnik School of Government, Oxford. Other partners interested in these issues can join the project.