Posts de Aziz Goumiri
Situation d’apprentissage et perception de la continuité pédagogique pendant la crise
May 2020 In: Le Libellio — Zoé Le Squeren, Xavier Weppe & Xavier Lecocq Introduction Dans notre article précédent (Weppe et al., 2020), il y a quelques semaines, nous avons questionné la notion de « continuité pédagogique » et traité de son impact sur l’activité des enseignants-chercheurs dans le contexte de la crise actuelle de…
Lire la suiteLe métier d’enseignant-chercheur au révélateur de la situation de crise
May 2020 In: Le Libellio — Xavier Weppe, Zoé Le Squeren, Xavier Lecocq Introduction L’ émergence et la diffusion planétaire du virus Covid-19, abréviation de « Corona Virus Disease 2019 », détecté la première fois en Novembre 2019 dans un marché de la sixième ville chinoise (Wuhan), provoque depuis quelques semaines une crise sanitaire, économique…
Lire la suiteStrengthening the Efficiency of Public Procurement
May 2020 In: Economía Industrial — Stéphane Saussier et Jean Tirole Abstract: Public procurement, the generic term used to refer to procurement contracts (traditional procurement), public service delegations (including concessions) and public private partnerships, currently represents today significant amounts of money as it is believed to account for nearly 15% of the GDP in France.…
Lire la suitePlural Governance for the Management of Local Public Services: An Empirical Investigation on the French Car Park Industry
May 2020 In: M@n@gement — Zoé Le Squeren. Abstract: This paper investigates the use of plural governance for the provision of local public services. Most of the studies conducted on local data compare direct public provision (i.e. in-house provision where governments produce public services themselves, using their own equipment and employees) to contracting out. But…
Lire la suiteA novel dataset of governments’ responses to COVID-19 all around the world
A novel dataset of governments’ responses to COVID-19 all around the world Auteur : Simon Porcher Introduction: Following the COVID-19 outbreak, governments all around the world have implemented public health and economic measures to contain the spread of the virus and to support the economy. Public health measures include domestic lockdown, school closures and bans…
Lire la suite“Contagion”: The determinants of governments’ public health responses to COVID-19 all around the world
“Contagion”: The determinants of governments’ public health responses to COVID-19 all around the world Auteur : Simon Porcher Introduction: To respond to the COVID-19 outbreak, governments all around the world have implemented public health measures that have resulted in different policies to contain the spread of the virus and to support the economy. These measures…
Lire la suiteMapping and Strengthening Water and Sanitation Service Regulation in Argentina: from Diagnosis to Policy Recommendations
March 2020 In: Network Industries Quarterly Maria Salvetti, Aziza Akhmouch, Antonio Cañamas-Catala* Abstract : This article draws on a broader work on water governance in Argentina led by the OECD jointly with the Secretariat of Infrastructure and Water Policy of Argentina. It builds upon a one-year policy dialogue with 200+ stakeholders from public, private, non-profit…
Lire la suiteCharles Bizien
EVOLUTIONS REGLEMENTAIRES ET LOGIQUE D’ACTEUR : L’institutionnalisation des villes intelligentes Janvier 2020
Lire la suiteCulture and the Quality of Government
October 2019 In: Public Administration Review Simon Porcher Abstract : This article uses a cross‐country data set to empirically investigate the relationship between national culture and the quality of government. Culture has a strong impact on the quality of government that remains stable even after controlling for differences in institutions and economic development. This effect…
Lire la suiteConcurrent Sourcing in Public Services: Theory, Evidence and Avenues for Future Research
Concurrent Sourcing in Public Services: Theory, Evidence and Avenues for Future Research. Auteur : Simon Porcher Introduction: What is the best governance mode (i.e., hierarchy or the market) to provide public services? The choices of governance modes have been scrutinized by scholars in public management and public administration over the last several decades (Kettl, 1993;…
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