Economie de la défense – Repères La Découverte

Renaud Bellais, Martial Foucault et Jean-Michel Oudot Abstract: Les tensions internationales récentes soulignent les enjeux et la complexité de la défense. En complément des approches notamment politiques et stratégiques, la science économique contribue à la compréhension de ce domaine. Cette synthèse de la littérature économique française et internationale offre un panorama à la fois exhaustif et accessible…

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The Ineffectiveness of Fuel Taxes in France

Numéro: 2014-2 S. Porcher et T. Porcher, 2014 – The Ineffectiveness of Fuel Taxes in France Abstract: Fuel taxes can be employed to correct externalities associated with pollution and raise government revenue. In this paper, we decompose fuel taxes from tax-exclusive fuel prices to see how consumers respond to market versus policy-driven fuel price changes. Our analysis reveals that fuel taxes might be an…

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Contract Renewal as an Incentive Device. An Application to the French Urban Public Transport Sector

Axel Gautier et Anne Yvrande-Billon 2013- Contract Renewal as an Incentive Device. An Application to the French Urban Public Transport Sector, Review of Economics and Institutions. Vol. 4(1).  Abstract: In the French urban public transport industry, services are often delegated to a private firm by the mean of a fixed-term regulatory contract.  This contract specifies the duties of…

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Les évaluations économiques en appui à la gestion de l’eau et des milieux aquatiques

Maria Salvetti  Publication de l’ONEMA, Coll. Comprendre pour Agir, n°8. Abstract: Qu’il s’agisse de caractériser, en termes socio-économiques, les usages de l’eau sur un territoire ou qu’il s’agisse d’évaluer les coûts et impacts environnementaux d’un programme de mesures ou d’un projet, les analyses économiques sont désormais parties intégrantes des processus de réflexion et d’élaboration de l’action…

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Corporatization and the Behavior of Public Firms: How Shifting Control Rights Affects Political Interference in Water Prices

Michael Klien 2013 Corporatization and the Behavior of Public Firms: How Shifting Control Rights Affects Political Interference in Water Prices, Review of Industrial Organization. Abstract: As an alternative to privatization, corporatization implies shifting control rights from politicians to managers—through the creation of a separate legal entity—while ownership remains with the government. Even though corporatized firms are fairly…

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The network efficiency rate: a key performance indicator for water services asset management?

Numéro: 2014-1 Maria Salvetti – The network efficiency rate: a key performance indicator for water services asset management? Abstract: In France, good governance of public water and sanitation services revolves around the definition and monitoring of performance indicators designed as steering tools and targeting results. Among the 29 statutory performance indicators, the network efficiency rate plays a key…

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Contract Enforcement and Discretion: An Application to Public Procurement Décembre 2013

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Discretion and Manipulation in Public Procurement: Evidence from France Décembre 2013

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Efficiency and equity in two-part tariffs: the case of residential water rates

Simon Porcher – Efficiency and equity in two-part tariffs: the case of residential water rates Abstract: As first noticed by Coase (1946), a standard result in utility regulation is that efficiency requires two-part tariffs with marginal prices set to marginal costs and fixed fees equal to each customer’ s share of fixed costs. Residential water customers…

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