Posts de Stéphane Saussier
Reputation, Informal Dealings and Contractual Dynamics. Four Essays on Contract Economics Novembre 2011
Lire la suiteTo allot or not to allot public services in Europe? An incomplete contract approach
Numéro: 2011-7 To allot or not to allot public services in Europe? An incomplete contract approach Julie De Brux and Claudine Desrieux Abstract: Using an incomplete contract framework, we analyze the consequences of allotment in public procurement, which has been introduced by the European Directive 2004/18/EC. We evaluate the impacts both on price and quality of public…
Lire la suite« La délégation du service public de la sécurité : Asinus equum spectat1 ? »
Guillaume Fonouni-Farde,La délégation du service public de la sécurité : Asinus equum spectat?, 2011, Revue Administrative. Abstract: Officiellement lancée au début de la XIIIème législature, la Révision Générale des Politiques Publiques (RGPP) participe d’une entreprise plus large de refinancement du budget de l’Etat, dont la baisse des dépenses publiques et l’amélioration de la performance des politiques…
Lire la suiteReputation and the Dynamics of Contractual Incompleteness.
Numéro: 2011-6 Reputation and the Dynamics of Contractual Incompleteness. Claudine Desrieux and Jean Beuve Abstract: This article examines why in some cases parties are willing to sign agreements that are left intentionally incomplete with regard to future contingencies, and why they prefer to choose more complete agreements in some other situations. More complete contracts allow avoiding ex-post…
Lire la suiteRelational Contract and Endogenous Contractual Incompleteness. Experimental Evidence.
Numéro: 2011-5 Relational Contract and Endogenous Contractual Incompleteness. Experimental Evidence. Jean Beuve and Claudine Desrieux Abstract: This paper empirically investigates the interaction between relational contracting and endogenous contractual incompleteness. To account for contractual relationships with perspective of future interactions, we design an infinitely repeated games experiment between identifiable players. In this experiment, the probability of continuation and…
Lire la suiteRenegotiations, Discretion and Contract Renewals, An Empirical Analysis of Public-Private Agreements
Numéro: 2011-4 Renegotiations, Discretion and Contract Renewals, An Empirical Analysis of Public-Private Agreements Jean Beuve, Julie De Brux et Stéphane Saussier Abstract:This paper studies how renegotiations influence ongoing contractual relationships. By using an original dataset of 252 expired public-private contracts in the French car park sector, we explore the link between renegotiations and subsequent contract renewals.…
Lire la suite« Risques, Choix des Projets à Réaliser et Choix Contractuels »
Julie de Brux, Claudine Desrieux, Vincent Piron, 2011, Transports, n°465, janvier-février 2011 Abstract: Plus que jamais, la contrainte budgétaire est forte dans les pays de l’OCDE, et les décideurs se focalisent sur les ressources financières à court terme. Plus que jamais, ces pays ont besoin d’investir pour maintenir leur niveau de connaissance et, corrélativement, leur niveau…
Lire la suiteCartels Facing Competition in Public Procurement: An Empirical Analysis
Numéro: 2011-3 Abstract : We analyse bidder collusion in public procurement. Our focus is on less than all-inclusive cartels. Using public information on convicted bid-rigging schemes taken from the decisions of the French Competition Authority, we have constructed an original database on 33 different cartels operating in 114 public work tenders. Our empirical work tackles the question of external cartel stability.…
Lire la suiteDesign Contractuel et Renégociations: Impacts sur l’Efficacité de la Concurrence par Comparaison
Numéro: 2011-2 Design Contractuel et Renégociations: Impacts sur l’Efficacité de la Concurrence par Comparaison Aude Le Lannier (IAE Paris, Chaire EPPP & GREGOR) Résumé: Les modèles de concurrence par comparaison supposent que le régulateur dispose d’une capacité d’engagement totale. Cela se traduit par la signature de contrats rigides et non renégociés. Or, on constate que c’est rarement…
Lire la suiteEnforcement of Yardstick Contracts & Consistency in Performance Rankings : An Application to the Water Industry in England and Wales
Numéro: 2011-1 Enforcement of Yardstick Contracts & Consistency in Performance Rankings : An Application to the Water Industry in England and Wales Aude Le Lannier (IAE Paris, Chaire EPPP & GREGOR) Abstract: This paper aims to determine the extent to which enforcement difficulties of yardstick competition implemented by the regulator of the UK water and sewerage sector…
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