Contract Renewal as an Incentive Device – An Application to the French Urban Public Transport Sector

Numéro: 2009-4 Contract Renewal as an Incentive Device – An Application to the French Urban Public Transport Sector Axel GAUTIER (HEC-ULg and CORE, Université Catholique de Louvain) & Anne YVRANDE-BILLON (CES, Université Paris 1 Sorbonne) Abstract: In the French urban public transport industry, services are often delegated to a private firm by the mean of a fixed-term…

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Make or Buy Urban Public Transport Services : A Rational Choice?

Numéro: 2009-3 Make or Buy Urban Public Transport Services: A Rational Choice? Miguel AMARAL & Anne YVRANDE-BILLON (CES, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne) Abstract: In this article, our aim is to study the determinants of the trade-off between in-house and outsourced utilities provision.  More precisely, we focus on the French urban public transport sector. With regard to the issue…

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The Rational of Plural Forms: An Empirical Study at the Chain Level

Numéro: 2009-2 Didier Chabaud – Thema, U. Cergy Pontoise, Arnaud Lavit d’Hautefort – Ytae, et Stéphane Saussier – Gregor, U. Paris 1 Abstract: In this article, we investigate the relative performances of companyowned outlets vs. franchised outlets using an original database consisting of 150 units of a French chain. At first glance, the financial and quality performances…

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Interview France 3 au 12/13h

 11 décembre 2008 Passage sur France 3 de Stéphane Saussier, le jeudi 11 décembre concernant le SEDIF et l’efficacité des délégations de services publics pour la gestion de l’eau en France Voir la video du 12/13

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Uncertainty, Renegotiation and Incentives in Public Private Partnerships: An Economic Analysis of Worldwide Toll Road Concessions Novembre 2007

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Eshien CHONG

Competitive Solutions for Managing Local Public Services: An Economic Analysis of Water Supply in France Novembre 2006

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Jean-Michel OUDOT

Choix Contractuels et Performances : Le Cas des Contrats d’Approvisionnement de Défense (publiée aux Éditions Universitaires Européennes en 2010) Septembre 2007

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