Revues et Ouvrages
Public-Private Partnerships: A Swiss Perspective
August 2018 Laure Athias, Moudo Macin, Pascal Wicht – Swiss Public Administration pp 187-204 Abstract : While the last decades have seen a spectacular expansion in public-private partnerships (PPPs) in many high-income European countries, only two PPPs have been realized in Switzerland so far. In this chapter, we define what PPPs are and the optimal conditions under which they should be chosen. Our normative…
Lire la suiteAre public private partnerships that rigid? And why? Evidence from price provisions in French toll road concession contracts
Mai 2018 Laure Athias et Stéphane Saussier – Transportation Research Part A Abstract : Transport concession contracts are commonly said to be standardized and too rigid. They would not allow public authorities to adapt them to evolving context and circumstances. This paper aims at challenging this view and, more particularly, the view that contractual rigidity for transport concessions is exogenous. Using a…
Lire la suiteProductivity change and its drivers for the Chilean water companies: A comparison of full private and concessionary companies
Mai 2018 María Molinos-Senante, Simon Porcher, et Alexandros Maziotis – Journal of Cleaner Production Abstract: The privatization of the water industry has aroused interest in comparing the performance of public vs. private water companies. However, little research has been conducted to compare the performances of full private (FPWCs) and concessionary water companies (CWCs).
Lire la suiteChristopher Pollitt, Advanced Introduction to Public Management and Administration, Reviewed by Simon Porcher
Février 2018 Simon Porcher – Public Administration Review Review of Christopher Pollitt’s book, Advanced Introduction to Public Management and Administration (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2016)
Lire la suiteThe Economics of Public-Private Partnerships: Theoretical and Empirical Developments
Janvier 2018 Julie de Brux and Stéphane Saussier (Eds.), Springer Abstract: This book investigates the economic decisions behind the implementation of public-private partnerships (PPPs). The first part of the book discusses different forms of public procurement contracts, in particular in France and the UK, and provides an economic analysis of the potential advantages and pitfalls of public-private…
Lire la suitePPP in Europe for building and managing public infrastructures: An economic perspective
Janvier 2018 Elisabetta Iossa and Stéphane Saussier, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics Abstract: Public–private partnerships (PPPs) are long-term contractual agreements between the public and private sector for the provision of public infrastructures and services. Due to tighter budget constraints and to a renewed interest in greater involvement of the private sector in the provision of…
Lire la suiteSocial and nonlinear tariffs on drinking water: Cui bono ?
Décembre 2017 Alexandre Mayol, Revue d’Economie Politique Abstract: This empirical study discusses both the incentive and redistributive effects of nonlinear tariffs on the drinking water of developed countries. Using an original panel database based on a natural experience with drinking water in France, we econometrically explore the impact of tariffs changes on consumption (linear versus nonlinear).
Lire la suiteTrading service quality for safety: a cautionary tale from the French ‘Robien law’ on elevator safety
29 novembre 2017 Lisa Chever et Michael Klien, Journal of Regulatory Economics Abstract: To deal with elevator accidents the French ‘Robien law’ mandated safety upgrades for ‘old’ elevators. Available statistics suggest that the law reduced fatal accidents but also coincides with an unprecedented deterioration in service quality, multiplying breakdowns and downtime. We exploit a unique data…
Lire la suiteRisk minimisation: the failure of electricity intra-day forward contracts
Septembre 2017 Raphaël Homayoun Boroumand, Stéphane Goutte, Simon Porcher, et Thomas Porcher, International Journal of Global Energy Issues Abstract: As market intermediaries, electricity retailers purchase electricity from the wholesale market or self-generate to ‘deliver’ to their customers. However, electricity retailers are uncertain about how much electricity their residential customers will use at any moment of the day…
Lire la suiteThe ‘hidden costs’ of water provision: New evidence from the relationship between contracting-out and price in French water public services
30 août 2017 Simon Porcher, Utilities Policy Abstract: In France, the management of public services such as water or sanitation can be done by the municipal council or contracted out to a private operator. This paper quantifies the impact of the choice of contracting out the management of water public services on price.
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