Nos Séminaires

22 juin 2012 John M. de Figueiredo : The Effect of Markets for Technology and Vertical Integration on Exit, Entry, and Price: An Empirical Analysis of the Laser Printer Industry

John M. de Figueiredo Duke University The Effect of Markets for Technology and Vertical Integration on Exit, Entry, and Price:…

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9 mars 2012 Liam Wren-Lewis : Do infrastructure reforms reduce the effect of corruption? Evidence from Latin America

 Liam Wren-Lewis ODI Fellow, Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, Malawi and ECARES Do infrastructure reforms reduce the effect of…

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27 janvier 2012 Carlo Cambini& Elena Fumagalli : « Output-based incentive regulation: benchmarking with quality of supply in electricity distribution »

 « Output-based incentive regulation: benchmarking with quality of supply in electricity distribution »                  …

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20 janvier 2012 Marian Moszoro : « Third-Party Opportunism, Scrutiny, and the (In)Efficiency of Public Contracts

Marian Moszoro, IESE Business School, Barcelona Third-Party Opportunism, Scrutiny, and the (In)Efficiency of Public Contracts Lieu: IAE Paris – Salle A519…

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16 décembre 2011 Emmanuel Frot : « Bidding for urban public transport: an econometric analysis of French competitive trends »

 Emmanuel Frot Microeconomix « Bidding for urban public transport: an econometric analysis of French competitive trends » Bidding for urban public transport:…

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9 décembre 2011 M’hand Farès : « State of the World, Nature of the Investment and the Value of Contracting' »

 M’hand Farès INRA Toulouse « State of the World, Nature of the Investment and the Value of Contracting’ Lieu: IAE Paris –…

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18 novembre 2011 Elena Podkolzina : Cross regional comparison of the efficiency of public procurement in Russia

 Elena Podkolzina HSE (Moscow) Cross regional comparison of the efficiency of public procurement in Russia Co-authors: Anna Balsevich, Svetlana Pivovarova Lieu: IAE…

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11 mai 2011 Michael Klien : « Political vs managerial control and public service prices: Evidence from Austrian water utilities » & Julie de Brux, Jean Beuve et Stéphane Saussier : « Renegotiations and Contract Renewals in PPP »

Michael Klien (WU Vienna) « Political vs managerial control and public service prices: Evidence from Austrian water utilities » & Julie de…

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