4 Juin 2014 Alain Bonnafous et Bruno Faivre d’Arcier : « The conditions of efficiency of a PPP for public finances »
Alain Bonnafous et Bruno Faivre d’Arcier
(Laboratoire d’Economie des Transports – Université de Lyon)
The conditions of efficiency of a PPP for public finances
Le séminaire aura lieu en français
Speaker: Alain Bonnafous (Laboratoire d’Economie des Transports – Université de Lyon)
Authors: Alain Bonnafous et Bruno Faivre d’Arcier
Abstract: We propose a model of the mechanism of financing of the projects with a restricted number of parameters. This modelling will be confronted with real French cases of projects of toll highways in order to verify the relevance of the model and to determine the actual range of these parameters and their dispersal. An analysis will finally be proposed, according to the intrinsic profitability of the projects, the conditions under which a PPP can relieve the public spending.
This conclusion joins many other authors in arguing against a systematic choice of one or other solution and suggesting rather that the most appropriate solution will depend on the circumstances of each case. The original contribution of this communication consists of an original formalization and of econometric estimations of these circumstances.
Download the paper: The conditions of efficiency of a PPP for public finances.