Two-hour webinar organised by the FSR Water and Waste area How can the Commission, Regulators, and Utilities contribute to building resilient, sustainable, and green water and wastewater services? The EU Commission has set out a bold and comprehensive plan for European recovery which will require massive public and private investment. This plan, based on solidarity and…
Lire la suite(REPLAY) Nov 24th, 2020 — Financing models of municipal waste management and economics of bio waste stream
In July 2020, the Florence School of Regulation enlarged the scope of its activities to include Municipal Waste Management with a kick-off webinar that gathered more than 100 participants. We now propose to further explore some key economic challenges that the municipal waste sector is facing. Opening the black box: financing models of municipal waste…
Lire la suiteJuly 1st, 2020: Municipal Waste Regulation in Europe: paving the road to address upcoming challenges
With an annual turnover of €184 billion and close to 1 million employees in Europe, municipal waste is a fast growing and key sector for the transition towards a circular economy. Nevertheless, with at least €31 billion investments required over the next 15 years to reach full compliance with EU municipal waste targets full compliance with EU…
Lire la suiteJune 25-26, 2020 9th Conference on the Regulation of Infrastructures
9th Conference on the Regulation of Infrastructures. Sector coupling: how to regulate convergence ? June 25th – 26th, 2020 Florence School of Regulation Florence (Italy) The EPPP research group collaborates actively with the Florence School of Regulation (FSR) water group ( We are also involved in the organization of this series of conferences on the…
Lire la suite13 february 2020 – Water Regulation: Paving the Road for 2020
FSR workshop on Water Regulation: Paving the Road for 2020 This seminar is organized in cooperation with the EPPP research group of the Sorbonne Business School. In this seminar hosted in Florence, we will work on water investment needs in Europe as well as on water tariff regulation, discussing the 2019 European Water Regulators’ report (WAREG). We…
Lire la suiteJune 20-21, 2019 8th Conference on the Regulation of Infrastructures
8th Conference on the Regulation of Infrastructures. Digital Platforms: the New Network Industries? How to regulate them ? June 20th – 21st, 2019 Florence School of Regulation Florence (Italy) The EPPP research group collaborates actively with the Florence School of Regulation (FSR) water group ( We are also involved in the organization of this series of…
Lire la suiteJune 21-22, 2018 7th Conference on the Regulation of Infrastructures
7th Conference on the Regulation of Infrastructures. New network structures: decentralization, prosumers and the role of online platforms. June 21st – 22nd, 2018 Florence School of Regulation Florence (Italy) The EPPP research group collaborates actively with the Florence School of Regulation (FSR) water group ( We are also involved in the organization of this series of…
Lire la suiteJune 16, 2017 6th Conference on the Regulation of Infrastructures
6th Conference on the Regulation of Infrastructures: Regulatory Challenges for Smart Cities June 16th, 2017 Florence School of Regulation Florence (Italy) The EPPP research group collaborates actively with the Florence School of Regulation (FSR) water group ( are also involved in the organization of this series of conferences on the regulation of infrastructures since…
Lire la suiteJune 24, 2016 5th Conference on the Regulation of Infrastructures
5th Conference on the Regulation of Infrastructures June 24th, 2016 Florence School of Regulation Florence (Italy) The EPPP research group collaborates actively with the Florence School of Regulation (FSR) water group ( are also involved in the organization of this series of conferences on the regulation of infrastructures since 2012. This event is organized…
Lire la suiteJune 12, 2015 4th Conference on the Regulation of Infrastructures
4th Conference on the Regulation of Infrastructures June 12th, 2015 Florence School of Regulation Florence (Italy) The EPPP research group collaborates actively with the Florence School of Regulation (FSR) water group ( are also involved in the organization of this series of conferences on the regulation of infrastructures since 2012. This event is organized…
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