10 juin 2010 Anita McGAHAN : Outsourcing War: The Evolution of the Private Military Industry after the Cold War

Anita McGAHAN (Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto) Outsourcing War: The Evolution of the Private Military Industry after the Cold War Anita McGAHAN, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto Lieu: IAE de Paris Date: Jeudi, 10 Juin, 2010 – 10:30 – 12:00 Abstract: In this paper, we study the evolution of private military corporations (PMCs),…

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10 juin 2010 Joanne Oxley : The Role of Hybrid Organizations in Corporate Citizenship Programs: Insights from Microsoft’s « Partners in Learning » Program

Joanne Oxley (Rotman School of Management – University of Toronto) The Role of Hybrid Organizations in Corporate Citizenship Programs: Insights from Microsoft’s « Partners in Learning » Program Lieu: IAE de Paris Date: Jeudi, 10 Juin, 2010 – 18:00 – 20:00 Abstract: Multinational corporations are increasingly called upon to act as exemplary corporate citizens and, more specifically, to contribute…

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10 février 2010 Martin Koning : A new look at the valuation of subway crowding costs: evidences from the parisian case

 Martin Koning, Centre d’Economie de la Sorbonne (Université Paris I) A new look at the valuation of subway crowding costs: evidences from the parisian case Lieu: IAE Paris – 7ème étage Date: Vendredi, 10 Février, 2012 – 11:00 – 12:30 Abstract: Cet article a pour objectifs : 1) de valoriser le confort des déplacements dans le métro parisien…

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11 décembre 2009 Aude LE LANNIER : « Enforcement of Yardstick Contracts & Consistency in Performance Rankings Regulated Water Industry »

 Aude LE LANNIER (ADIS – Paris 11 Orsay) « Enforcement of Yardstick Contracts & Consistency in Performance Rankings Regulated Water Industry » Lieu: IAE de Paris Date: Vendredi, 11 Décembre, 2009 – 11:00 – 12:30 Abstract : Using an unbalanced panel of 22 company observations on both Water and Sewerage companies observed over the period 2002-2008, this study evaluates…

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13 novembre 2009 Said SOUAM : « Commitments in Antitrust »

Said SOUAM (Univ. de Paris 13) « Commitments in Antitrust » Said SOUAM Date:Vendredi, 13 Novembre, 2009 – 11:00 – 12:30 Abstract : We analyze the impact of the introduction of a commitments procedure in terms of efficiency and deterrence in antitrust contexts. At the European level, this procedure consist in offering an immunity of fine to…

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2 octobre 2009 Marco SCHOUTEN : Exploring strategies of water services providers

Marco Schouten (UNESCO – IHE Institute for Water Education) « Exploring strategies of water services providers » Lieu: IAE de Paris  Date: Vendredi, 2 Octobre, 2009 – 11:00 – 12:30 Abstract: This study concerns an analysis of the implications of governmentally motivated institutional changes in the water supply and sanitation (WSS) sector. Over the last two decades the institutional…

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